Lettering & Yearbook Recognition

Earn your letter
Schools participating in the League are encouraged to offer varsity letters for student athletes. Each school has different criteria for awarding letters. Make sure to ask your school how you can include your team!
Sample qualifications for a school lettering program:
- Athlete must be a student of your school and must adhere to all school district rules, policies and requirements concerning student activities including, but not limited to, attendance, conduct, scholastic standing and other eligibility requirements.
- Athlete must show dedication to the school and the team, including (but not limited to) exemplary behavior and support of fellow team mates, consistent leadership and guidance of younger/new athletes, and dedication to firearm and range safety procedures.
- Athletes must have an overall average of 20 targets out of 25 at the end of the regular season.
- Athlete must participate in each competition week during the regular season

Yearbook photo for your team
Schools are strongly encouraged to include the trap team in the school’s yearbook as a sport or activity. Most current schools provide this for the team.