Firearm Safety Certification

All student athletes are required to complete and submit certificates for either one of two League-approved firearm safety certification programs – a state-approved hunter education certificate or the League’s SAFE Certification. Either option requires the firearm safety certification information to be documented in Athlete Management System (AMS) before the athlete can participate in any shooting activities with the team.
Teams should verify the firearm safety training certification requirements with the shooting range where they will be conducting League events.
Student athletes cannot participate in any shooting activities with a team without a League-approved firearm safety certificate.
League-approved firearm safety certificates include:
- State-approved hunter education certification. Most states require that hunters complete a certified hunter education course. The hunter education certificate is proof that students have successfully completed a state’s official and approved hunting safety course. A student is allowed to use a different state’s hunter education certificate than their residing state. A team coach will verify the certificate’s authenticity. Check your state’s department of natural resources website for complete hunter education certification information. If the hunter education certificate cannot be obtained by the deadline, then the League’s SAFE Certification is recommended if the shooting range allows it.
- Student Athlete Firearm Education (SAFE) Certification. The League’s SAFE Certification provides an in-depth firearm safety and procedures training program designed specifically for League participants. The cost per student of the SAFE Certificate is $25 and is payable at the beginning of the online course. Refunds are not allowed. The SAFE Certificate is valid only for League participation and cannot be used for obtaining a hunting license. The SAFE Certificate is designed specifically for student athletes and coaches participating in the League.

SAFE Certification Benefits
- Affordable – about the same as other hunter education classes
- Mobile-Friendly – available online with tablet, smartphone or computer
- Comprehensive – the online course takes 3-4 hours to complete
- Fun – animated graphics, sound, and interactive learning make it entertaining
- Convenient – progress can be saved at anytime to work around busy schedules
- Relevant – it’s all about clay target shooting sports and firearm safety
- Consistent – everyone will learn the same content from a single source
- Verified – clay target team coaches help complete the SAFE Range Day Certification

SAFE Certification Completion Requirements
The SAFE Certification requires the completion of the online AND shooting range certification programs to earn the SAFE Certificate.
Step 1: Complete the SAFE Online Certification prior to any participation with teams and/or League. Access the SAFE Online Certification, go to and create an account. The SAFE course costs $25. Upon completion of the online course, the student athlete will receive a confirmation email and PDF certificate.
Step 2: Complete the SAFE Range Day Certification prior to any participation with teams and/or League. The SAFE Range Day Certification is conducted at the shooting range and coordinated by the team. Students will participate in a training session conducted by a CLASS Certified coach on the team. The 1-2 hour shooting range training will include firearm safety, shooting sport procedures, shooting clay targets, and range safety requirements. The student athlete MUST complete the SAFE Online Certification BEFORE participating in the SAFE Range Day. Athletes must bring a printed SAFE Certificate to the SAFE Range Day. A CLASS-Certified coach must authorize it. The instructors must have completed the League’s Coach Leadership and Safety Support (CLASS) Certification program. Instructors will be provided a SAFE Range Day Certification guide from the League to assist with certification.
Step 3: Update SAFE Online and SAFE Range Day completion dates in ClayTargetGo! Athlete/parent or coach must enter the completion dates of the online and range day certification into the Athlete Management System through ClayTargetGo! before scores are submitted for the student athlete. Head Coaches and team staff with access to the Team Management System (TMS) can also view and update a student athlete’s completion dates for both the online certification as well as the range date certification completion dates.
All student athletes that complete the SAFE Certification receive an official iron-on certificate patch from the USA Clay Target League. Patches are mailed to the team after the Reserve Week begins.
SAFE Certification Lessons
Participate in the League
Understand Policies & Procedures
Understand the SafeSport Policy
Be Aware of School Firearm and Ammunition Policies
Know Your Team Personnel
Understand League Participation, Penalties, and Consequences
Know Your Firearms
Know Your Ammunition
Know Your Gear and Accessories
Transport and Store Your Firearms and Ammunition
Know Your Safety Procedures
Know Your Shooting Range
Practice Your Shooting Fundamentals
Know Your Clay Target Procedures
Clean Your Shotgun
Get to Know Trap Shooting
Get to Know Skeet Shooting
Get to Know 5-Stand
Get to Know Sporting Clays